beatrice banning ayer

Every Detail About Beatrice Banning Ayer

Beatrice Banning Ayer was a writer, the daughter of Frederick Ayer, an American industrialist. She was born on January 12, 1886, in Haverhill, Massachusetts, to the businessman and his second wife, Elizabeth Banning. Beatrice was not the only child in her family; she had six siblings, and one of them was Louise Raynor Ayer, a renowned American philanthropist.

Education and Career

Given that her father was a rich businessman, Beatrice Banning Ayer attended the best schools in the United States. Besides, she was determined and did well in her studies. The schools she attended have not been mentioned, but she studied up to the college level.

Regarding her professional life, Beatrice Banning Ayer was a writer, but she did not spend most of her time writing as she liked spending it with her family.

Personal Life

Beatrice Banning Ayer was a fair and charming lady. People who were close to her loved her for her personality. Regarding her romantic life, Beatrice was married to George Patton, an army general. The two met when they were young; their families were on vacation when they met. They developed a close friendship, and they kept in touch. Their friendship later grew to love, and they later got married.

Beatrice and George tied the knot on May 26, 1910, and they stayed in marriage for thirty-five years until George died in 1945. In their marriage, the couple was blessed with three children: a son named George Patton V and two daughters, Beatrice Smith and Ruth Ellen.

Beatrice Banning was a loving and committed wife; despite her motherly duties, she always found time to visit her husband, who was at war. Even when her husband suffered an accident, she was close to him, offering her emotional support.

Her Husband

George Patton had difficulties as a student; he struggled with reading and writing. Due to these difficulties, he decided to turn his attention to the military. At the age of seventeen, George was ready to join the army. He joined the Virginia Military Institute, where he studied for a year; despite struggling with his studies, he was good at military drills and general appearance during inspections.

Beatrice Banning’s husband was nominated for West Point by Senator Thomas R. Bard. At “West Point”, he struggled in his first year, and he was made to repeat the year after failing mathematics. Despite his poor academic performance, he was appointed cadet sergeant major as a junior.

George Patton graduated from West Point in 1909 as one of the 103 cadets graduating that year, and he was commissioned as a second lieutenant of the United States Army. Beatrice’s husband took part in both the first and second World Wars. Upon the end of World War II, Patton suffered an accident in which he suffered a serious head injury. His injuries were so enormous that he had to be admitted; he died twelve days later due to congestive heart failure and pulmonary edema.


Beatrice Banning Ayer died on September 30, 1953, in Hamilton, Massachusetts, aged 67. Her three children and several grandchildren survived her. Her body was laid to rest at Luxembourg American Cemetery in Hamm, Canton, Luxembourg.

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