Oscar Adrian Bergoglio, once known primarily as the brother of the renowned Pope Francis, emerges as a figure with a unique story, family ties, and a journey intertwined with the path of his illustrious brother. In this exploration, we delve into the life of Oscar Adrian, shedding light on his family, his own experiences, and the intriguing dynamics that shaped the Bergoglio household.
Family Roots and Siblings
Oscar was born to Mario Jose Bergoglio (1908-1959) and Regina Maria Sivori (1911-1981), making him the younger brother of the world-renowned Pope Francis, born as Jorge Mario Bergoglio. He held the position as the second eldest among his parents’ five children. Oscar’s only living siblings are his elder brother Pope Francis and his youngest sister Maria Elena Bergoglio.
Birth and Early Life
Oscar Adrian Bergoglio entered the world on January 30, 1938, marking the beginning of a journey that would unfold within the context of a deeply religious household. His elder brother, Pope Francis, born George Mario Bergoglio, has garnered a net worth of 16 million dollars through his role as the head of the Catholic Church.
A Little Sin and a Vocation Unveiled
In a surprising revelation, Maria Elena Bergoglio, during an interview in 2013, shared a glimpse into the early life of her brother Pope Francis. Maria disclosed that her brother committed a “little sin” by concealing his true vocation from their parents in his youth. Pope Francis, at the age of 21, initially misled his parents about his career path.
Maria recalled that, at 21, her brother was already working as a chemical technician in a medical laboratory. When he decided to change his vocation, he informed his parents that he planned to study medicine, a plan to which their parents agreed. However, it was later revealed that he had cloistered himself, focusing on theology and Latin books instead.
The turning point came when their mother discovered the truth and confronted Pope Francis about his lie. In response, he asserted that he had not lied but planned to study medicine of the soul. Maria, in an interview with CNN, revealed that she initially prayed for her brother not to be elected as Pope because she didn’t want him to leave.
Love, Choices, and Religious Calling
Adding another layer to the Bergoglio family saga, Maria disclosed that her brother Pope Francis had once been in love with a woman. Recalling the situation, Maria stated that both her brother and the girl were in love, but Pope Francis had to make a crucial choice between the love of a woman and his love of God.
On the first day of Spring in September, Pope Francis went to the church to pray to the Virgin Mary before joining others. He claimed to have felt something and decided to stay to talk to the priest, subsequently never speaking to the girl again. Maria highlighted that their religious vocation stemmed from their upbringing in a deeply religious household, where their parents instilled a commitment to faith from birth.
Health Challenges and Resilience
Pope Francis faced health challenges, including a recent respiratory infection that led to a brief hospitalization. President Biden, a devout Catholic, referred to Pope Francis as his dear friend and called for prayers during this challenging time. After leaving the hospital, Pope Francis, known for his humility and humor, joked that he was still alive.
The Pope, who suffered from severe pneumonia in his youth, resulting in the removal of part of his lung, also underwent significant intestinal surgery in 2021, involving the removal of part of his left colon.
In Conclusion: A Family’s Unique Tale
The Bergoglio family’s story unfolds with layers of faith, choices, and unexpected twists. Oscar Adrian Bergoglio, though once overshadowed by the papal spotlight, emerges as a vital part of this unique tale. Through his experiences, choices, and family dynamics, the Bergoglio household remains an intriguing narrative in the broader context of religious history.