olivia zick obituary

Officer Olivia J Zick Obituary: A Life of Service and Love


On February 11th, 2023, the community of Cincinnati, Ohio, mourned the loss of Officer Olivia J Zick. Born on December 21, 1992, in Kingsley, PA, Olivia lived a life dedicated to service, leaving a profound impact on those around her. Let us remember the remarkable journey of Officer Olivia Zick, her passion for helping others, and the love she shared with her family and friends.

A Life of Service and Dedication

Olivia Zick’s story began with a desire to make a difference. After graduating from Mountain View Jr/Sr High School in 2011, she made the bold decision to move to Cincinnati for college, ultimately earning her degree from Xavier University in 2015. Her time in the city solidified her love for the community, and she proudly called Cincinnati her home.

The Journey to Becoming a Police Officer

Olivia’s dedication to service led her to become an altruistic kidney donor on her birthday in 2016. Her selfless act set off a chain reaction of donations and transplants, demonstrating her unwavering commitment to helping others. This spirit of giving further inspired her to pursue a career as a police officer. In June 2020, Olivia graduated from the Cincinnati Police Department Academy, fulfilling her dream of becoming an officer.

A Proud Police Officer

Olivia embraced her role as a police officer with immense pride. Throughout her career, she received several commendations for her exemplary behavior during various situations, including a hostage crisis and assisting a mentally ill patient to safety on a dangerous highway section. Her dedication to duty during a traffic enforcement blitz also earned her accolades, as did her compassionate assistance to citizens in medical distress and excellence in investigations.

Cherished Memories and Unforgettable Smiles

Beyond her commitment to her profession, Olivia was known for her infectious sense of humor and a smile that could brighten anyone’s day. Her love for dressing up as a TRex added an element of joy to every occasion. She shared a deep bond with her family, especially her eight nieces and nephews, who adored her dearly.

A Legacy of Love

Olivia leaves behind a loving mother, Carol, and five siblings, each holding cherished memories of their time together. The loss of her father, James William Zick, and her grandparents, William and Elizabeth Zick, and Kenneth and Louise Manning, has left a void in their hearts.

Honoring Olivia’s Memory

As the community gathers to bid farewell to Officer Olivia Zick, the family requests attendees to wear black and blue in celebration of her dedication to service. For those unable to attend in person, the funeral will be live-streamed from the funeral home’s website. In lieu of flowers, the family requests donations to the Officer Olivia Zick Memorial Fund, supporting mental health initiatives for first responders.

Celebrating a Life of Love and Service

In June, a celebration of life will be held in Cincinnati, commemorating Olivia’s legacy and the impact she had on so many lives. As we remember her, let us honor her memory by performing acts of kindness, adopting pets, planting trees, and embracing deep love for one another.

Officer Olivia J Zick’s passing leaves a void in the hearts of those who knew her, but her spirit of service and love will forever resonate in the community she cherished.

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